Arkansas has always been a very conservative state, more in line with Republican values and ideas, but obviously, voters there made an exception for the Clintons. Hillary’s husband served 5 terms as the governor there after all. While her husband was serving as state Governor from 1983-1992, Hillary was making a name for herself by leading an overhaul of the state’s notoriously poor education system.
There has been a shift in loyalty toward the Clintons and the Democratic Party with the very conservative white rural voters that makes Arkansas a swing state now, though. It is a state that has traditionally leaned to the right with deep-South conservative politics.
Still, it is very likely that Hillary will prevail and capture Arkansas in the election. She and Bill have meticulously maintained their contacts in the state and are still very connected to the political networks there.
News about Arkansas is provided below or go to an overview of all the 2016 Swing States.