Mike Huckabee

Of course, winning Iowa is nothing new for Huckabee. In 2008 he took the state, but after losing to Mitt Romney in delegate count and popular vote, bowed out of the race. Since that time his attention has largely been focused on “Huckabee,” his self-titled Fox News talk show, but lately his activities have shifted, becoming those of someone planning a serious campaign. Why else would he be scheduling private meetings with leading conservative donors and forming an organization that hires political operatives – actions that have put his status with the network at risk?

Clearly Huckabee has wooed the public with his affable personality and popular TV show, but a closer look at his beliefs and policies reveal man who has placed his faith far to the right – perhaps too far for even the G.O.P. to support when it comes to nominating a president. Among his many dangerous views is the belief that women’s high libidos are to blame for abortion and birth control, both of which he vehemently opposes, as well as an eagerness to blame school shootings not on the availability of firearms in America, but the lack of God in public schools. While Huckabee’s conservative nonsense has made him popular on Fox, it is doubtful that he would be taken seriously by the majority of the country.

Nevertheless, all signs point to a campaign from Mike Huckabee, who said he will announce his decision in spring of 2015. No doubt holding off will help sell copies of his newest book, God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy, as many readers will be anxious to search the pages for clues of an upcoming presidential run.

News about Mike Huckabee is provided below or go to an overview of all the Republican contenders.

Photo by DonkeyHotey. Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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